woensdag 7 november 2012

10 commandments

in English:

1. You shall have 3 ideas, you shall pick 1 out and you have maximum 3 weeks to work on it. You shall repeat this process until the 4th sunday of may. Until than you shall stick to the other nine commandments.

2. Once a day you shall take a picture of yourself and you shall complete your questionnaire.

3. You shall reduce your ecological footprint by becoming a vegetarian. You are allowed to eat fish.

4. Once a week you shall discover a new film. You shall translate your findings into words or art.

5. You shall do everything within your possibilities to participate in contests that are handed to you.

6. Once a week you shall go to a cultural event and you shall translate your findings into words or art.

7. If you leave the train, you shall leave a note for the person that will sit on your warm place.

8. Once a week, you shal sport!

9. You shall dedicate yourself to the art of music. The 4th sunday of may you can present 5 soundclips. Studied or created.

10. Once a month you shall translate your findings into poetry and capture it on a audio(visual) medium.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I am writing to let you know your note was well received, thank you. The seat was warm alright.. but so was the entire car. So warm in fact, that its contribution to global warming is measured in "football fields of icebergs" and today's journey between Leuven and 's Gravenbrakel will be recorded in history books for it's devastating effect.

  2. Haha! Fantastic! Let's hope the train didn't make the history books.
